Emsculpt for Muscle Building, Does It Really Work?

The average consumer may find themselves overwhelmed with all the choices available for body contouring, unsure which is the best for their goals.

CoolTone vs. Emsculpt for muscle building, does it really work? Which one is better? Read on to find out!

Emsculpt for Muscle Building, Does It Really Work? Is CoolTone Better?

Once upon a time, body contouring was limited to only fat reduction, shedding fat but not building or strengthening your muscles. The latest and greatest technologies, such as Emsculpt and CoolTone, have revolutionized the body sculpting scene.

Emsculpt for muscle building, does it really work? Of course it does. Emsculpt uses HIFEM, or high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy, to induce contractions. Relying on 0.9 teslas, it’s believed to be the greatest body-building treatment out there, but is that true?

CoolTone, operating at 1.39 teslas, is 50% more powerful with its high-powered coil electromagnetic energy. What else sets it apart, though?

Why Should I Choose CoolTone Instead for Muscle Building?

Not only is CoolTone a more powerful treatment than Emsculpt, requiring less treatment sessions as a result, it is also up to 35% less expensive than Emsculpt. Fewer sessions and lower costs make for huge savings!

CoolTone uses magnetic muscle stimulation to contract and strengthen your muscles, building the body of your dreams without you even lifting a finger.

CoolTone offers a 4% decrease in fat, a 19% increase in muscle thickness, a 73mm reduction in the fat layer, and a 46% reduction of diastasis recti. So, don’t wait and book your CoolTone appointment today!

Learn More About CoolTone Today at Cool Contours!

Interested in learning about the benefits of CoolTone and what sets it apart from other body contouring procedures?

Then contact Cool Contours at 703-665-3281 and let us help you craft your dream bod today!


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