Can CoolSculpting Results Last Forever?

Can CoolSculpting Results Last Forever?

CoolSculpting is a popular option for men and women looking to achieve the perfect contour when diet and exercise aren’t quite enough.

Non-invasive and effective, CoolSculpting offers remarkable results with no downtime necessary after your quick 30-minute session. But, can CoolSculpting results last forever? Here’s what you need to know about this amazing treatment!

But First, How Does CoolSculpting Work?

You may have heard of CoolSculpting referred to as fat freezing. CoolSculpting is a fat reducing treatment that applies cold to fat cells through a process known as cryolipolysis. This ruptures fat cell membranes to destroy the cells for good!

Is CoolSculpting Right for Me?

Treatment works best for healthy people near their goal weight who have stubborn pockets of fat that don’t seem to respond to lifestyle changes. You should also have realistic expectations about treatment. The best way to find out whether you’re an ideal candidate for CoolSculpting is to talk to a provider.

What Areas Can Be Treated? Can CoolSculpting Results Last Forever?

CoolSculpting works in those areas where troublesome fat tends to accumulate, such as:

  • Back
  • Butts
  • Chest
  • Chin
  • Jawline
  • Love handles
  • Thighs
  • Upper arms
  • And more

Can CoolSculpting results last forever in all these areas?  Yes, with the right lifestyle. As with any body change, you’ll need to maintain your results with a balance of healthy diet, activity, and hydration. Fat cells destroyed during treatment won’t come back. Those are gone forever!

But, remaining fat cells can increase in size and take their place if you don’t consume a healthy diet, get regular exercise, and stay hydrated.

Get Rid of Stubborn Fat With CoolSculpting From Cool Contours!

The professionals at Cool Contours have the experience to deliver amazing fat reducing results! With new patient specials and a free consultation, there’s no reason not to book today!

To schedule your initial appointment, call us at 703-665-3281. It’s time to love the way you look after the hard work you’ve put into staying healthy, and CoolSculpting can help!


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