Can I Lose Weight With CoolSculpting?

Can I Lose Weight With CoolSculpting?

Perhaps you’re looking to begin your weight loss journey, or you’ve already started it, desiring long lasting results but not sure how to achieve them.

You’ve heard of CoolSculpting, but you don’t know what it’s all about and, more importantly, “Can I lose weight with CoolSculpting?” The answer is simpler than you think.

So, Can I Lose Weight With CoolSculpting, or Is It Strictly Fat Reduction?

In short, no, you cannot lose weight with CoolSculpting. Unlike fat and weight reduction surgeries, CoolSculpting is a non-invasive method geared towards reducing pockets of subcutaneous fat in those who are near or already at their ideal weight.

You may see a slightly smaller number on the scale overtime with this fat loss method, but you won’t lose a tangible amount of weight.

It’s also worth noting that you should be within 30 pounds of your goal weight to see ideal fat reduction. Otherwise, you won’t benefit from this treatment.

What Are the Benefits of CoolSculpting?

Now that your question, “Can I lose weight with CoolSculpting,” has been answered, it’s time to learn about the benefits of this magical treatment.

CoolSculpting works by freezing and killing fat cells that are then absorbed by your body and permanently eliminated. It’s a non-invasive and quick procedure with no downtime.

Safe, effective, and permanent, CoolSculpting promises long-lasting fat loss results in targeted areas. A double chin you can’t seem to knock out? That stubborn baby weight after pregnancy? Or, maybe you’ve finally lost the weight but want a little touch up? CoolSculpting is the answer.

Where Can I Find the Best CoolSculpting in Virginia?

At Cool Contours, of course! We are a dedicated team of professionals who want to aid you in your fat reduction goals.

With our free consultations, a payment plan that works with you, and even an amazing special for new patients, you can receive fat loss without breaking the bank!

Contact us at (703) 665-3281 and book your virtual or in-person consultation today!


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