Can You Get CoolSculpting to Treat A Double Chin?

Can You Get CoolSculpting to Treat A Double Chin?

You eat a healthy diet, you exercise, but you still have a double chin. Frustrating, yes? We understand. CoolSculpting for double chin is your answer. Many people choose this treatment because of how safe and effective it is.

The results are proven and long-lasting.

How Does CoolSculpting for Double Chin Work?

The treatment works with controlled temperatures to freeze fat cells. These cells are destroyed and eventually eliminated through the body. The good news? Destroyed fat cells will never come back! No need to worry about skin or muscle damage as the process only affects fat cells.

Here’s What to Expect During Treatment!

CoolSculpting for a double chin requires no prep work or anesthesia, so the technician can get started quickly. After a gel pad is applied to the skin, a tool designed to treat small areas is used to destroy the unwanted fat cells as the technician moves the tool across your chin.

You must keep in mind that CoolSculpting for a double chin does require patience, and you may need more than one appointment. If so, that will be discussed during your initial consultation. Final results can take up to two months, and each session lasts approximately a half hour.

Because the freezing temps numb the targeted area, you can expect pain-free sessions. In fact, most clients choose this time to relax! Bring a book, catch up on some TV, or even rest your eyes. It is the perfect way to pamper yourself. Self-care is vitally important for all of us!

Hate the Double Chin? Do Something About It!

Cool Contours offers specialized treatment from experienced, certified professionals. If you have specific contouring goals, schedule a free consultation today by calling 703-665-3281 or booking online now. You’ll get the best and most honest assessment and leave with a customized plan created to meet your goals.

Your body is exactly the way you want it to be. Shouldn’t your face be as well? Make the call now for CoolSculpting for double chin!


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