CoolSculpting in Rosslyn, Virginia

CoolSculpting in Rosslyn Virginia

Is CoolSculpting in Rosslyn, Virginia a Gimmick?

You’ve heard of body sculpting. It’s the non-invasive fat reduction treatment that everyone is talking about. However, it seems unreal that you can actually eliminate stubborn pockets of fat without liposuction. So, CoolSculpting in Rosslyn, Virginia – is it a gimmick?

How Does the CoolSculpting Process Work?

CoolSculpting uses a technique known as cryolipolysis that freezes and kills fat cells. These dead fat cells are then safely removed by your body through your liver for several weeks after your treatment. You see full fat loss results within just a few months. 

Yeah, But Does CoolSculpting in Rosslyn, Virginia Really Get Rid of Stubborn Fat?

Yes! You can expect amazing results from CoolSculpting, losing inches on areas like bellies, hips, thighs, arms, and even your chin. Treatment takes only a few minutes out of your day and there is no downtime. Some people even choose to nap or read a book while they are getting treated.

Awesome! Are the Remarkable Results Permanent?

Your results last as long as you let them. While the frozen and destroyed fat cells are permanently removed from your body, they can be replaced by new fat cells. So, you need to keep up your exercise routine and eat a healthy diet.

How Much Does CoolSculpting Cost?

The cost of CoolSculpting is anywhere from $650 to $1500, depending on what area you are getting treated. Prices for CoolSculpting vary with geographic location and person performing your treatment. To get an accurate pricing, it’s best to schedule a consultation with an expert.

Find the Fat Reduction Treatment You’ve Been Looking for at Cool Contours!

We only do CoolSculpting and its complimentary procedure, CoolTone, at Cool Contours, and we take them seriously. So, if you’re looking for the best CoolSculpting in Rosslyn, Virginia, then look no further.

Call us now at 703-665-3281 or book an appointment online! Treatment takes just a few short minutes, and you are back to your day.


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