CoolTone: The Coolest Body Contouring Technology Available

cooltone leesburg

A healthy diet and exercise regimen is essential for overall wellness; however, we understand that some fatty areas may need some extra help. That’s why we offer CoolTone in Leesburg, VA.

CoolTone uses patented technology to stimulate powerful muscle contractions in order to strengthen your muscle fibers for toned, gorgeous results.

Who is a Good Candidate for CoolTone in Leesburg, VA?

The ideal candidate for CoolTone in Leesburg, VA, is someone who is already committed to a healthy lifestyle.

If you are close to your goal weight, but suffering from annoying fatty areas that aren’t responding to diet and exercise, you may be the ideal CoolTone patient.

Popular Treatment Areas

Popular treatment areas through CoolTone include the following:

How Long is the Treatment Session?

Depending on the area being treated with CoolTone in Leesburg, VA, you can expect your treatment session to last anywhere from one to two hours.

When Will I See Results?

For best results, you should plan on returning to receive four to eight treatments with CoolTone depending on your individual case.

For areas such as the abdomen, you will likely feel a stronger core after your first session.

Is There Any Downtime with CoolTone in Leesburg, VA?

CoolTone is an ideal lunch-break treatment in that you can pop into your local provider, receive the CoolTone treatment, and return right back to your day without any downtime.

Schedule a Consult for CoolTone in Leesburg

Perhaps the most important thing you need to know if you are interested in CoolTone is that you should seek the services of a reputable and experienced provider.

Here at Cool Contours, we partner with our patients to achieve their personal body contouring goals.

To best serve our clients, we offer complimentary Coolsculpting consults as well as virtual consults.

To learn more about the services we offer or to schedule your free consult for CoolTone in Leesburg, VA, contact us online or call Cool Contours today at (703) 665-3281.


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