Does TruSculpt Actually Work?

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Why doesn’t TruSculpt work? This is a question that many patients ask after undergoing a series of TruSculpt treatments, without seeing any noticeable fat reduction or sculpting.

Continue reading to learn 3 reasons why TruSculpt may produce insufficient or undesirable outcomes.

What is TruSculpt?

TruSculpt is a noninvasive body contouring treatment that uses monopolar radiofrequency to heat and destroy subcutaneous fat cells.

The procedure is performed in an office setting and usually takes 45 minutes to 1 hour. Most patients require 3-4 treatments, per area, spaced 4 weeks apart.

Why Doesn’t TruSculpt Work?

If you’re wondering – Why doesn’t TruSculpt work? – here are 3 possible explanations.

1. Patient Wasn’t a Good Candidate

Prior to undergoing TruSculpt, or any body contouring treatment for that matter, patients must be thoroughly evaluated and deemed good candidates.

In the event that they patient’s BMI was too high (above 30) or they were trying to eliminate visceral fat, they would be unlikely to see desired fat loss or contouring with TruSculpt.

That’s why it’s extremely important to work with certified and experienced body contouring specialists, who carefully listen to your concerns and provide an honest and accurate assessment.

2. Adequate Settings Weren’t Used

While TruSculpt is often touted as feeling like “a hot stone massage,” many patients claim otherwise.

During treatment, a handheld device is used to deeply heat tissue to 46 degrees Celsius (114 degrees Fahrenheit). So, it’s not surprising that patients often describe the procedure as extremely hot and painful.

In some cases, it is so uncomfortable that the energy settings must be drastically reduced, which can significantly affect final outcomes.

3. Treatment Wasn’t Properly Customized or Executed

This treatment is performed with a squared-shaped hand piece that is placed on the skin and delivers a series of pulses that last a few minutes each.

If the provider doesn’t properly customize and execute treatment, patients can be left with uneven results and a lumpy appearance.

Request a Consult for CoolSculpting in DC

If you are considering noninvasive fat removal, please contact our office today to schedule a comprehensive consult for CoolSculpting in DC with one of our highly skilled and talented providers.


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