Emsculpt Neo: The Latest Body Contouring Treatment to Quickly Trim and Tone

Emsculpt Neo

While non-surgical body contouring treatments are nothing new, there is a hot new option available that offers amazingly quick results known as Emsculpt Neo.

When it comes to toning muscle and burning fat, nothing compares to the single treatment option that can do both like Emsculpt Neo. It’s truly a game changer! But what is Emsculpt Neo?

Emsculpt Neo Is a Revolutionary Treatment to Blast Fat and Tone Muscles Without a Demanding Workout Schedule

It is a state-of-the-art machine that helps shape and tone the body in only 30 minutes. It’s a one-time treatment utilizing radiofrequency to bulk heat tissues, permanently destroying fat cells, in addition to stimulating muscle contractions at the nerve root for muscle toning.

There is no downtime after Emsculpt, so you can resume normal activities immediately afterward. It can be used on abs, glutes, arms, and calves for increased muscle mass and reduction in fat, so you look and feel your best!

Remarkable Results After Emsculpt Neo Are as Little as One Treatment Away

Need results fast? With Emsculpt Neo, you may notice improvement in the treated area after just one session! Optimum results may take two to four weeks.

Emsculpt Neo results last up to six months and can be enhanced through a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise. Treatments are 100 percent painless, though you may experience minor discomfort as your muscles tighten. For best results, four treatment sessions are recommended over a two-week period.

One clinical trial showed that 83 percent of participants undergoing Emsculpt treatment experienced a 25 percent boost in muscle mass and a 30 percent reduction of fat over three months.

Bottom Line: Emsculpt Neo Treatments Are the Best Non-Surgical, Pain-Free Method for Body Contouring

If you want to reduce stubborn fat that doesn’t go away no matter how hard you try, as well as increase your muscle mass quickly with long-lasting results, you need Emsculpt Neo!

Call Cool Contours today at 703-665-3281 to book your session!


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