Is CoolTone Better than Emsculpt?

Is CoolTone Better than Emsculpt?

Is CoolTone Better than Emsculp for Increasing Muscle Mass Without the Gym?

CoolTone is an FDA-approved contouring treatment to tone your body. It’s counterpart, CoolSculpting, freezes away fat while CoolTone focuses on increasing muscle strength and mass similar to Emsculpt. Both CoolTone and Emscult are non-surgical, non-invasive, FDA-approved procedures that have virtually zero downtime. So, is CoolTone better than Emsculpt? Let’s take a closer look at these two body contouring methods.

How Does CoolTone Work?

CoolTone uses magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS) to create extremely powerful involuntary muscle contractions. No type of physical activity can produce this type of muscle contraction, so CoolTone is more effective than exercise alone. The stimulation causes the muscle fibers to re-form and become thicker, bigger, and stronger, giving the body a more streamlined and chiseled physique. CoolTone sculpts, lifts, firms, and tones the body’s muscles and can be used on the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks..

So, Is CoolTone Better Than Emsculpt – What’s the Difference?

Though they offer similar benefits and both work by inducing muscle contractions at a very high rate, as many as 20,000 per session, CoolTone comes out ahead when compared to Emsculpt. This is because CoolTone has 50% more intensity when measured for better results. Also, it takes just one treatment session to immediately feel tighter muscles, though lasting results do take several sessions, just like with Emsculpt.

Where Can I Get Remarkable Results With CoolTone?

Now that you know the answer to your question, “Is CoolTone better than Emsculpt,” it’s time to book CoolTone for sensational results! And there’s no better plane than Cool Contours, where we specialize only in CoolTone and CoolSculpting, so you can be sure to get amazing CoolTone results! Call us today at 703-665-3281 or book a consultation online for body sculpting without the gym. It’s time to get the six-pack you’ve worked so hard for without anymore effort!


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