Benefits of DualSculpting


There’s good reason that more and more women and men are seeking DualSculpting to maximize CoolSculpting results and minimize treatment time.

In fact, DualSculpting actually cuts CoolSculpting time in half by simultaneously targeting two areas in one session.

If you’d like to learn more about the many benefits of DualSculpting, read on.

What Is DualSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical treatment that applies a patented cooling technology in order to freeze and destroy localized pockets of fat on the abdomen, flanks, hips, thighs, back, bra line, upper arms, underarms, chin, and jawline.

Traditionally, it is performed with one device and one treatment applicator to a single part of the body. When done this way, CoolSculpting, on a bilateral part of the body like the flanks, thighs, or arms, would mean one session on the right side and one session on the left side, totaling 70 minutes.

DualSculpting is a time-saving alternative that utilizes two devices, instead of one, to simultaneously treat multiple parts of the body. As a result, it can decrease treatment time to 35 minutes vs. 70 minutes.

What Are the Benefits of DualSculpting?

One of the key benefits of DualSculpting is efficiency. By targeting two areas in the same session, DualSculpting cuts treatment time in half. In doing so, it allows patients to undergo CoolSculpting over their lunch break, instead of having to take additional time away from work for treatment.

Another benefit of DualSculpting is that it offers increased precision and symmetry. In the event that a patient has to break up treatment into two appointments, due to time constraints, it could leave more opportunity for a disparity between sides.

What’s more, DualSculpting reduces the number of office visits and limits any associated discomfort to a single session. This means that patients who are more sensitive wouldn’t have to endure multiple CoolSculpting cycles unnecessarily.

Learn More About DualSculpting and CoolSculpting

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of DualSculpting and if it’s right for you, please call our office today to schedule a consultation with one of our highly skilled and talented providers.


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